About Lux Honeypot and Wellness Parlor
Yoni steaming is a gentle method of introducing the properties of natural aromatic herbs to the womb via warm steam to promote healthy womb and vagina care . Yoni steaming is used to gently cleanse, tone, and bring balance to the Yoni and address common issues of uterus. It helps women to achieve and maintain optimal feminine, sexual, and reproductive health by increasing blood circulation and clearing out old residue.
Other benefits may include, menstrual support, elimination of yeastand tissue overgrowth, fungi, and bacteria, increase in cervical fluids, relaxing the vaginal opening, nourish and tone the uterine lining, assist with Fibroids, Cysts, Hemorrhoids and so much more. In addition to the physical cleansing and release during the steam, many women may reduce oxidative stress and encourage circulation naturally which is also good for the skin.
Steam, Sweat, Detox, Glow, Repeat.